Saturday, May 2, 2009

FREE Gillette Fusion Razor

Free Razor

We're giving away 500 Gillette Fusion Razors every day for a month (April 16 - May 16)! A clean close shave is a surefire way to keep your confidence high. So we're making it easier to get our smoothest shave ever. With only 500 Fusion Razors available each day, it's first come, first shaved.

1) Click on the picture that shows Derek Jeter with a woman to his left in the distance a little that reads below the picture "Heres to confidence" in big white letters, "We're giving away 500 Gillette fusion razors every day for a month!" And then a button that says "Get your razor now" with an arrow pointing to the right.

2) It brings you to a page where you watch a video on the right.

3) Click the orange button labeled "See if you're getting a free fusion razor now"

4) Register and put all your info in. You will get a pop-up that says you won.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd like to send you an email. Can you email me your address?