Saturday, May 17, 2008

Triple Coupons @ Bilo!!

I got the best news yesterday, Triple coupons at Bilo!!! Bilo is my absolute favorite place to shop. The prices are good and they have a very open coupon policy. I was able to get all of the above and below (84) items for $38.29. I saved $119.27 in just coupons. It was a wonderful day and I plan on going back today since they are having it until Tuesday. If you would like to learn more about saving money check out Sisterly Savings.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never heard of Bilo, but I want one here!

I've never experienced a triple coupon sale...

I'm impressed!

Julie said...

Thats amazing!! I have never heard of Bilo either! Is that a store?
Julie - Couponsavingfamily

1GR8MOMMY42 said...

Oh yes! It is like a publix.

Elizabeth F. said...

Wow, I'm very impressed! Good deal.

Julie said...

I've heard of Bi Lo...I live in South Carolina and they are based here (I'm pretty sure) We didn't have triples and I'm so disappointed! I see you're in NC...I wonder if Hendersonville had triples? I would have driven there for that for sure!

Way to go! You got some super deals!